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Champaign, OH:  Tuesday Wake Up Call!

What’s the story, morning glory?

Well? Are you awake? Ready to roll?

You still have time to stop and throw us your weekly orders!!

You can do it, Morning Glory…

Cosmic Pam

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of July 23 2023

Berry season is here. The neighbour has blueberries but we black and red currants, raspberries, mulberries, blackberries, aronia berries and Jostaberries! Come pick currants now, just call ahead at 905 537 0163.

This week starts our tomato season, and do we have some specials. All heritage varities, starting with flavour supremo Yellow Brandywine beefsteak. Other beefsteak type: Kellogg’s Breakfast, Sophia, Yellow Beefsteak. Pink Brandwine. Cluster types: Cherry Brandywine, Lemondrop. Specials: Patsy’s Striped, Amish Paste, Gold Medal (multicoloured).

The peppers and cukes have started too. We’re growing an italian bell pepper called Capriglio and a traditional Bull’s Nose. We chose the Wisconsin open pollinated variety of cucumber for slicing and pickling sizes. Multiple plantings should ensure cukes all through the summer.

The Sweet Potatoes have been in the ground for a month, growing vines already and the tiny tubers are starting two swell. We just put in Irish potatoes last week: four varieties, including Russets and Purples.

Gold Medal Tomato
This is our 200 plant tomato plot growing the varieties listed above.

Here’s what the heirloom seed catalogs say about this luscious fruit.
“The 1-3 lb fruits are among the smoothest bi-colored tomatoes we carry and one of the most beautiful we have seen. Yellow fruit is blushing with rosy red that radiates from the blossom end. Lovely! The firm flesh is of superior quality, being sweet and mild. They have very little acid; great for fresh eating. From the late, legendary seed collector, Ben Quisenberry.”
“A fantastic heirloom tomato dating to at least 1921, where it appeared in a New York seed catalog. Originally named ‘Ruby Gold’, the variety was repopularized decades later as ‘Gold Medal’. This heirloom bears large, beefsteak style fruits that ripen to a remarkably attractive, marbled orange-yellow-red color. It is also known for its excellent flavor and has won a number of taste test contests over the years. Has beautiful coloration when sliced too. The 1-3 lb fruits are among the smoothest bi-colored tomatoes we carry and one of the most beautiful we have seen. Yellow fruit is blushing with rosy red that radiates from the blossom end. Lovely! The firm flesh is of superior quality, being sweet and mild. They have very little acid; great for fresh eating.”

Of course we are growing more than tomatoes, about 20 crops and 5 herbs, plus berries.
Crops this week: frilly kale, Nero kale, Rainbow chard, Tiara and Savoy cabbages, Tokyo Bekana chinese cabbage, beets, bell peppers, sweet bulb onions, scallions, fennel, green garlic and scapes, baby lettuce mix, baby buttercrunch lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, carrots, collards, cabbage collards, leeks, basil and herbs. Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement.

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Reminder Online Ordering Open Until Wed 6 am

You may still order until 6 am Wednesday morning. If you ordered, we thank you!

Order at:

Remember we offer easy drive by pickup Thursday afternoons at the Fayetteville library for some of your favorite fresh locally grown and locally made products.

NEWS: A variety of fresh produce and herb items are still available! Plus meat, eggs, baked goods, jams, honey, craft items and locally produced food items.

Pickup at the library 4:30-5:30 Thursday. If you already know you can’t pick up then, email us asap at this address as soon as you order and we will work with you on a plan.

Questions? Reply to this email and we will get back to you.

There is also a delivery option for Fayetteville addresses. Request it by following the directions on your emailed order confirmation and do that asap or by no later than 9am Thursday. Be sure to send your request to Seeds That Feed (see instructions on the email confirmation of your order) since they set up the deliveries.

Thank you.

Statesboro Market2Go:  Field peas!

Order before 10 on Tuesday night!

A classic southern staple,this week we’re highlighting fabulous field peas that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways alongside other local produce and goods!

If you find the idea a-pea-ling, then check out some of our reci-peas such as:

Also, please welcome new vendor Ole Mcdonnell’s Farm in Effingham county. Leah McDonnell say her farm uses regenerative practices like cover cropping, mulching, and composting to build soil and ultimately create great food for people, livestock, and critters.

Click to order at Market2Go!

Connie's Cornucopia:  New Farmer

We have a new Farm GA. Sky Farm their selling Raw Goat Milk for pet consumption from pastured Nigerian Dwarf Goats. They also have pastured Duck eggs.

Click below to start shopping.


Champaign, OH:  Jump For Joy!

Champaign Berry has sweet corn, and they will be bringing it to market pick up on Thursday!!!

If you are ordering from the market, you can pick up your order, and then drive right over to their set up at market!

Not ordering this week? No problem!! Just come out to the market site, and buy corn!

$7 for a dozen!
$4 for half dozen!

They take cash or cards!

4pm until 6pm or until they run out!

Wholesome Harvest Farm WV:  Wholesome Harvest Farm online market is open!

Our online market is open!

Order need to be in by 10 A.M. Tuesday.

Looking forward to seeing you when you pick up your order!

Champaign, OH:  Monday Grooviness!


You know what’s groovy??

JC Growers just listed their seasonal garlic on the market!! YAY!! It’s finally garlic time!!!

Order while you can because it goes so very quickly!!

You know what else is groovy? LadyBug Acres just listed green peppers and kale on the market!!

You know what else is groovy? You. You are groovy, and it’s groovy that you all support this market, each and every week.

I am just coming off hosting my annual summer girlfriend camp out, at my house, and am going into catering another event, this coming weekend, BUT…I will be back, baking for the market, next week!! Groovy!!

Ok…now, get to that ordering!!

Be groovy!!

Cosmic Pam

Siloam Springs, AR:  The Online Market is Open!

We are so excited to see you this Saturday at the promenade! Come by Saturday between 8am-12pm to see what all of our vendors have been preparing for you. Online market is still available as well. You can order from now until Thursday at 5pm, with pick up happening at the concession stand next to the promenade on Saturday morning. We look forward to seeing you.

V.I Prime Produce locally Grown:  MARKET OPEN

Good afternoon Prime Produce market is now open and accepting orders.

Mango nectar also available system wont let me add $25 per gallon