The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Statesboro Market2Go:  Order Before 10pm!

The forecast is full of rain this week, so why not warm up with some of the plentiful peppers that are available on Market2Go!

  • Make a cozy pot of Pozole Rojo (a spicy chicken soup that uses 4 different kinds of peppers and can be garnished to suit your tastes!)
  • Add a pop of color to dinner with Rainbow Spring Rolls that use bell peppers, radishes, carrots, and fresh basil!
  • Liven up meat, pasta, or other veggies with Ajvar (a spicy sauce made from eggplants and peppers!)
  • Or make a big crockpot of Jambalaya, with wild-caught shrimp, and locally grown tomatoes, peppers, and onions!

Summer produce is coming in strong! Check out all the produce available online, plus, there’s pickled vegetables and jams put up already for you, all from your local farmers!

Click to order at Market2Go!

Martin's Farmstand:  Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cucumbers and u-cut Flowers.

Field lettuce is coming on at full strengh- there is various red and green leafy lettuces along with romaine and summercrisp types. My daughter thinks a field of lettuce ready to harvest is like a work of art. It is beautiful. We are somewhat overstocked on cucumbers at the moment. The tomatoes are slow but we are picking the first few forerunners of the coming abundance we expect from our greenhouse. I just recieved 90 lbs of beautiful red tomatoes from Nathen Zimmermans greenhouse which are at the stand today. This is the last week of asparagus harvest. Strawberries are just starting. The supply this week is very limited because we lost a signifigant amount of the earliest flowers to the freeze a while back. Next week strawberry supply should be more normal. Cool rainy weather now is excellent for the strawberries to grow big and sweet . We plan to open for u-pick starting Saturday.
We have free u-cut flowers this summer as we have in the past. I planted a bigger patch too! Mostly they are still little yet however there are poppies and wildflowers out there now. Daniel

Martin's Farmstand:  2023 strawberry Information

Strawberry is season here. There are a few ripe berries in the field now so we are picking for the stand starting today. (We have about 50 quarts picked at the moment) We had a freeze a while back that damaged quite a few (but not all) of the earliest flowers so the season is beginning in an unusual way in that there is just a scattering of berries that are ripe now. I am going to send our own pickers out to get them as they are so scattered. The strawberries like it slightly cool and are really glad for this rain. Irrigation is not as good as rain. Hot weather ripens them faster but does not give as good of a berry.
We are opening for the first u-pick picking of the season Saturday June 17, 2023 starting at 7 am. I expect that picking conditions should be reasonable by Saturday however I will post again Friday about picking conditions when I know more. Peak season is still 7- 10 days out. Strawberry pricing for 2023 is the same as last years prices.
We will be continuing many of the changes from last year as they worked well. During busy times there will be an outside express checkout option for berries that are being bought by volume not weight.

Hours for u-pick are Monday starting at 7 AM; Wednesday, starting 2 PM (no morning picking on Wednesdays); Saturday, start 7 AM. This repeats through out the whole season. The patch closes when the berries are all picked or at 6 PM.
When you arrive you do not need to stop at the stand to weigh your containers if you know the empty weight already. Also you do not need to stop if you are picking into standard Quart or gallon containers.
You have the option of bringing your own containers or buy empties from us. Quart boxes 25 cents each. If you are buying empty containers from us please pay when you get them rather than after you are done picking to minimize confusion as to what is going on.
NO DOGS in the field or stand areas. We will be using the same random picking pattern that we did last year. This means that you may start anyplace you wish in the patches that are open as long as you are not cutting in front of someone. It is mandatory that when you are picking that all the ripe berries are picked as you move No roaming or grazing type picking. A section of row must either be picked or not picked when you leave. We will be scouting the patch and keep suggesting where you will find good picking.
Pricing u-pick: $4 per Quart if less than 8 quarts and $3.25 per quart if more than 8 quarts; $26 for an 8 quart tray and $12.50 for 4 liquid quart buckets, water pitchers, bowls and other similar sized containers. All containers are expected to well filled but not heaped. We will adjust prices up or down as needed for over or under-filled containers. By the pound price is $2.20/# (limited to bigger containers or larger amounts). By using volume rather than weight when it makes sense we can bypass the stand for most of the berries and reduce congestion. If you pay by credit card there is a 3% surcharge added to the above prices and you will need to use the inside checkout station rather than outside express options. Daniel

Grumpy Goat:  Weblog Entry

Lots of fresh veggies in the store this week including: sugar snap peas, garlic scapes, the last of the radishes, beets, bunch onions, zucchini, kale, and beet greens.

We are well stocked on herbs too : cilantro, sage, thyme, dill, spearmint, oregano, and basil!

The cherry pie jam has been restocked and there is a small basket of ‘sale soap’ – $5 a bar.

Come on out 2-6:30 today.

In other notes I wanted to let you know that we will not be listing the veggies on the online market this year- they fluctuate so much and there are too many varieties for me to keep up with. As you have probably already noted we are awful at keeping up with the technological side of this endeavor. The more easily accounted for items will be listed – mainly bread, jam, syrup, honey, lip balm. I will try to be better about posting what veggies will be available and you can do your shopping in person. So follow us on Facebook or instagram for pictures or watch out for these emails! You are still more than welcome to drop notes in the comments about produce you’d like and we will do our best to set it aside.

Thanks for your continued patience and patronage! Now to say goodbye to the first goat kids heading to their new home at Cleveland Metropark Zoo!

Champaign, OH:  Hello, Tuesday!!

Coming in to remind you that the market will be closing at 8am, this morning, for weekly orders!!

Are you onboard, and ready?

Cosmic Pam

Stones River Market:  Just announced

Market is open until 10pm tonight…..just got the word …Peaches are on the market now.

Market is OPEN — See you Wednesday,

Market opens June 11th Sunday 8:00 AM and Closes Monday June 12th at 10 PM

The Market will always open SUNDAY at 8 AM with or without Weblog. Weblog may occasional be delayed.

Thank you for supporting our local farmers, bakers and craftsmen.

We will look forward seeing you Wednesday June 14th on the porch of Quinn’s Mercantile from 5:00 – 6:15pm when you pick up your order.

PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE LATER THAN 6:15..we can make arrangements for you to pickup your order.

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  ONLINE ORDERS STILL OPEN UNTIL 6 AM WED

If you ordered, we thank you! Remember we offer easy drive by pickup Thursdays at library for some of your favorite fresh locally grown and locally made products.

Two more sellers are back online today:
dH is back with a nice selection of meats!
Charlies Vegetables is back with jams and fruit butters and also squash in various sizes.

In addition to local produce we mentioned, here are some new items added since we posted yesterday:

green tomatoes

Order here:

Pickup at the library 4:30-5:30 Thursday. If you already know you can’t pick up then, email us at this address as soon as you order and we will work with you on a plan.

Questions? Reply to this email and we will get back to you.

There is also a delivery option for Fayetteville addresses. Request it by following the directions on your emailed order confirmation and do that by no later than 9am Thursday. Be sure to send your request to Seeds That Feed (see instructions) since they set up the deliveries.

Thank you.

Siloam Springs, AR:  The Online Market is Open!

We are so excited to see you in person this Saturday at the promenade! Come by Saturday between 8am-12pm to see what all of our vendors have been preparing for you. We will also have great live music from 9am-11pm. Online market is still available as well. You can order from now until Thursday at 5pm, with pick up happening at the concession stand next to the promenade on Saturday morning. We look forward to seeing you.

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  This Week at the Market

Thank God for the rain!!! Boy, did we need it! I have been watering the gardens EVERY night, but with this rain we should kick start the growth! I worked in the tomato garden this weekend, staking and priuning…. and ate several cherry and plum tomatoes :) Yes, they are coming soon! I already put out some green ones at the stand.
Beans are coming in strong, as are squash. I anticipate peppers, tomatillos, other beans, eggplant and cucumbers to follow soon!
A surprise this year was a squash plant I allowed to stay amid my herb patch. It turned out to be the casper pumpkins! I have those coming in NOW! They will be in the stand for purchase.
Spring always brings on new life. I had more chicks hatch this week, and…… found out we will be getting a Christams present – my daughter is pregnant again! YAY! Now, we wait and see if it is a boy or girl :)
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Yalaha, FL:  Weblog Entry

What lettuce is left is pretty much done this week. If you have special requests for things that I don’t have listed as available, write in the comments when you make an order or just message me and I will see what is still acceptable by then. We will probably be down to just the micros, shoots and Hot weather stuff for the next several months.

As we head into summer I sometimes get Lax with opening/closing the Market. If That Happens, feel free to message me to see what is available. I sometimes just get Lazy since we have minimal stuff available and get so few orders in the summer anyway. The cool season crops give up but there are sometimes others things that hang on (wild tomatoes) or the microgreens which I can grow most of them year round.

The regular ordering window is now through Thursday 8am for Friday-Sunday pickup. (Or check with me or text 407-342-8515 if you might want to pick up sooner or for special arrangements, I’m usually flexible.)

I may still be able to take orders after Thursday Morning but can’t guarantee availability of things as I may have already packed them for the Restaurants.
Ordering window is Monday Afternoon (or when I open it) through Thursday Morning and pick up will be Friday-Sunday by appointment until we expand more, Please indicate when you would like to pick up when you place your order.

Remember to tell me when you want to pick up! (and if I don’t reply to confirm within a day, bump my e-mail or text me 407-342-8515. Though I have cleaned up my e-mail so hopefully I won’t Miss Anyone.)

Sign in to order.

You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)