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Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN -- Pick Up on Wednesday July 5th


Market opens July 2nd Sunday 8:00 AM and Closes Monday July 3rd at 10PM.

The Market will always open SUNDAY at 8 AM with or without Weblog. Weblog may occasional be delayed.

Thank you for supporting our local farmers, bakers and craftsmen.

We will look forward seeing you Wednesday July 5th on the porch of Quinn’s Mercantile from 5:00 – 6:15pm when you pick up your order.

PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE LATER THAN 6:15..we can make arrangements for you to pickup your order.

Our Online Farmers Market is the easiest location to find gifts, produce, baked goods, plants, Herbs, soaps, meats and essentials,
with the Spring and Summer Season starting few of our Growers attended the weekly markets during the summer
months but still have their items available for those that don’t
want to fight the growds or find a parking space.
If you are looking for something special find their listing in the Growers Section and send them an email.

NOTE: Please if you are unable to pickup your order let us know, we can make arrangements to get it to you.
If we are not notified your order is donated and you will be billed for it!

Please follow our Market on Facebook, we are getting more followers every week.
Market news is also post about our Growers and products available.

Growers on the Market this week, subject to change.

Arrington Bread Co
Bead Wench
C&M Valley Farm 37
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farms)
Dogwood Valley Greenhouse
East Fork Farm/ Worm Castings & Luffa
Flying S Farms
Heath Homespun
Linwood Lamb
McIntosh Field & Flower
Pennie’s Delights
Periwinkle and Pine Co
Pinky’s Micros
Quinn’s Mercantile
RC Farms TN
Rainbow Hill Farm
Sap Creek Gardens
Shroomegy Gourmet Mushrooms
Sundae’s Best Dog Treatery
Sweet Beets Farm
Sweet Girl Honey Farm
Thweatt Things
Yentz Family Farm

LIVE PLANTS…this is the time to get your live plants from Rainbow Hill, Dogwood Valley Green House, Sap Creek Gardens, C&M Valley Farm, for your Early Summer Planting.

Few Growers with News:

Pinky’s Micros: Microgreens pack 40x more vital nutrients than their mature counterparts. Extremely dense in vital enzymes, minerals, vitamins, omega, and high does of chlorophyll. There aren’t many foods you could eat that are that packed of nutrients and harvested a day before delivery for freshness.
Put them on your sandwiches, top your salads, or use them in place of lettuce.

We love putting them on avocado toast or in a B.L.T Sandwich!


Every season we’ll be creating new blends to represent each season. Along with what we grow all the time.
Peas Shoots, Rose Radish, Broccoli, Basic Salad Mix, and Sunflower Shoots.

C&M Valley Farm: Hope you are having a wonderful planting season! Yes, speaking in the present. Many think it’s over and they can only hope for and reap from the last of their spring efforts at this point. But…..NO! There are so many adventures yet to embark on such as tucking our newly available angelwing and dragonwing begonias, or opting for your own unique culinary acquirements which will take you and your family to new levels of taste such as our scented geraniums . We also have available herbs known to contain medicinal properties for alternative health support and options. Check out our spicy herbs which are great for last minute potting up. They are great for making your own delicious vinegars to splash over fresh salad, or last minute sauces and gravies for meats and veggies which will definitely bring your taste buds to attention.
Planting and planning is still in progress for those who have an apartment, a balcony, a patio, a yard, or any space-simple or complex. Tis’ still the season…so Enjoy!

Rainbow Hill Farm: We still have a large selection of starter plants for your home gardens, ready to plant. Tomato, Peppers, Cucumbers, Muskmelon, Brussel Sprouts and more. Plants are in biodegradable cups, (peat pots, they will help the soil as your plant grows) you only need to put them in the ground and water.

Yentz Family Farm: We are a small family owned farmed based in Shelbyville, TN. Our mission is to provide fresh local produce and goods to serve our local communities while improving our footprint on the earth. Having been raised on a dairy farm in New England, I have longed to return to the farming community, and this second career has provided me with the opportunity to continue that dream while serving others.
Country White Bread, Banana Bread, Banana Nut Bread, Blueberry Bread, Chocolate Chip Bread, Cinnamon Bread, several variations of Chex Mix, Popcorn collection, Chow Chow Relish, Jalapeno Cowboy Candy, Several Traditional Salsa’s, Blueberry Jam, Apple Maple Jam, Tomato Jam and Strawberry Jam

Periwinkle and Pine: we are featuring our Just Peachy Wreath, Mini Candle Wreath, and our pretty Periwinkle and Rose Farmhouse Wreath. Each wreath is meticulously handmade by me with attention and care.

Be sure to check back over the weeks as I’m excited to begin adding new products for summer!

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: several perennial and annual plants, in pots ready to plant or hanging baskets to select from. Large selection of Herb Plants!

RC Farms: Our Peaches are in!! Along with a large selection of other fruit and vegetable, various meats and prepared frozen meals and fruit. Our apology for some of the mix up of orders on the webpage, we are in the process of correcting those items.

Flying S Farms: This week varieties of Early Summer Produce: SWEET CORN IS IN!! Squash, Zucchini, Green Tomatoes, Burpless Cucumbers, Jade Stringless Green Beans, Onions, Sweet Bell Peppers along with our Fresh Farm Eggs – by the Dozen or Bundle of 3, Popular Brownies, Buttermilk or Sour Cream Biscuits in 2" or 3" Sizes, Several selections of Friendship Breads and Plain or Wheat Sour Dough, sliced or unsliced also so rolls. Pumpkin Butter for SALE available.…purchase a Pumpkin Butter and get one free!!

We offer after market Delivery Service for $12 within a 10 mile radius of Murfreesboro, outside areas additional $1.00 per mile is added. If this is the first time you’ve requested delivery please put your address in the comments before you check out and any special instructions.

There is an additional $5.00 fee added if Delivery is requested AFTER MARKET HAS CLOSED ON MONDAY EVENING. This fee is so we can make arrangements with our Delivery Staff to prepare your order to be delivery.

The Market methods of Payment is Cash, Checks or Credit/Debit Cards or Invoice (a $2.00 fee is added for invoicing). Reminder, please make sure your email and address is current. Thank you for supporting your Locally Grown Market, it means a lot to our Growers and Community by Shopping Local and Staying Local!

Special THANK YOU to Quinn’s Mercantile for their support of our Locally Grown Market and the use of the front porch. Please be sure to check out the Store, several great gift and useful items, along with items made or produced in Tennessee

We look forward seeing you “On the Porch or At the Curb" of Quinn’s Mercantile WEDNESDAY, July 5th from 5:00 – 6:15 pm, please contact the Manager if you are unable to pick up your order or are running late, please phone, email or text the Manager (615.542.1078) so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.

We will always try and reach you as a reminder about your order, we can make arrangements for you to get your order to you. ""If we do not hear from you, your order will be donated and you will be invoiced for the amount of your order"". We still need to pay our Growers for their products. Remember we do have Delivery Service. If you think you will be later than 6:00 pm, when our Delivery Staff begins delivering orders, please contact us, so we can make arrangements with you.

How to contact us:
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesday

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  What's New at the Market?

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

will be open for your orders till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

The market opened for ordering, as usual, on Sunday morning, and will close at 10 pm on Tuesday. Please support our local farmers, all of whom live within thirty miles of our market. Shorten your supply chain! Shop local!

Please share this mailing with a friend and invite them to become a customer and share in all this local farm goodness.

Joseph Sherrill DC and his wife Ashley at Sherrill Apothecary Co. have been brewing elderberry syrup for years. They believe that natural remedies are an important part of every day healthy habits. Their elderberry syrup uses local honey and herbs to help support the immune system and with allergies.

Riley’s Quail Flock joined us this week. Her Celadon quail are fed high-protein layer feed, mealworms, fresh greens, and even watermelon rind. Quail eggs are highly nutritious, creamier and smoother than chicken eggs.

Arrows and Shoots has returned to the market and is currently listing raw kefir. Made with raw milk from our family cow, and cultured in small batches, it has no additional ingredients, just milk and culture.

(Row 1) French Heirloom Beans, Cucumbers, & White Onions from Country Road Homestead.
(Row 2) Garlic and Herb Babka, Peach & Berry Pie with Sourdough Crust from Merriwether Bakes, Beef 30 lb Deal from Triple T Cattle Farms.
(Row 3) Eastern Bluebird House, 3 Stem Gladiolus Bouquet, and Nesting Balls from Valley View Farm & Garden.

Our Pickup Locations

Our Manchester pickup location is under the Coffee County Farmers’ Market pavilion, across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our Tullahoma pickup location is in front of “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger Shopping Center, at
1905 N Jackson St, Tullahoma TN

Our McMinnville pickup location is outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, at
110 Market Street, McMinnville, TN.

For a map, click on the address link.

Weaver Farms items will be unavailable till the middle of the month, to give them time to process another animal.

Click here for the complete list of available fresh local farm products for this week.

Only the best fresh flavorful farm products for your family! No more week-old produce trucked cross-country. All the fresh local farm products listed come from your grower and maker neighbors in Middle Tennessee. The freshest produce is picked the day you receive it!

Your year-round weekly market is open for ordering from Sunday morning at 8 am till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

Receiving options:
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (4:15 – 4:45 p.m.) at the market pavilion on Fort Street, Manchester.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger shopping center in Tullahoma.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, McMinnville.
Delivery on THURSDAY evening for a small additional fee, or at other hours by arrangement.

See the “About” page for details.

Please help us grow:
spread the word about our market.
share this newsletter with someone.
make my day and ask to hand out some fliers.
And if you are hungry for something special, just let us know, and we will do our best to find it for you.

Fresh from our local farms to your table!
Shorten your supply chain!

Dothan, Alabama:  July 1, 2023 M@D NeWsLeTtEr - Lots of goodness this issue!

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders. Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic”.
You can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.
Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!
Our Website:
Order prepayment link:



A small experience this week reminded me of something important. I went in for a “maintenance” chiropractor visit. So when Doc asked me how I was I told the truth. Between a few bad experiences and a nasty injury I wasn’t exactly in peak condition. The sweetest thing – he put his hand on my shoulder and prayed for me. HE PRAYED FOR ME. I immediately felt bottled up tension release which made addressing the physical issue go oh so much easier.

Sometimes we know what baggage we’re hauling around, sometimes we don’t. But regardless of known or unknown, IT AFFECTS US! Mental, spiritual, & emotional stress can zap the joy out of life and lead to more lasting physical problems if left unchecked and/or undealt with.

Mainstream medicine tends to ignore this facet of our common humanity – they deal with diet, exercise, tests, treatments, results, and trying something else if “that” don’t work. This is OK in many areas, but in some illness, especially ongoing medical problems it completely ignores any issues that may lay beyond the scope of tests and lab results, namely those issues that make us human, our mind, heart and emotions. Many alternative medicine disciplines do recognize this.

A young friend introduced me to the podcasts of Virginia Dixon a few years ago. He had met her in the course of dealing with his mother’s cancer. I’ll never forget his words – “This information came too late to save my mother’s life but it has saved the rest of the family from her fate.”

It was enough to interest me and I listened to her podcasts, all 8 of them on Spotify that year. The podcasts were HUGELY insightful into how our heart, mind and body is connected and when any one is out of sync it affects the other parts. I recently decided to listen to them again only to find there are over one hundred now so I’ve barely scratched the surface of this wealth of wisdom!

R.E.S.T. Stands for “Relational, Emotional, Spiritual Truth” and according to Virginia is the single most important component for healing the whole person.

Retro picnic

Even if you are in perfect health and just want to understand our common humanity and all the wonderful moving parts that make up our personalities, relationships and thought processes, Virginia is a rich source of information. Her podcasts are available on both Spotify and her website at


Looking Ahead: Starting late July we will return to a bi-weekly schedule for the months of August and September, and possible into October. As we approach those dates we will publish a more specific schedule but for now please know that July 28 will be our last Friday for pickup before the schedule change.


JBW Farm Fresh: Things are progressing out here at JBW Farm Fresh. Our first load of grown out pigs have been taken to the processor and we are very excited about adding pastured pork into our freezers! Keep an eye out on our social media for updates!

Retro picnic

Mt. Moriah Farms: Transfer your skin with our goat milk soap… 

Dry skin? Our Spicy apples and Peaches bar has a lot of shea butter in it which is very moisturizing 
Oily skin? our Activated charcoal bar removes the excess oil under the pores
Eczema? Our oatmeal, milk & Honey bar is widely used to help soothe the irritated skin, lightly exfoliating the skin, and the honey brings restoration 
Psoriasis? Our pine tar bar Pine tar soap has been found to have antiproliferative and keratinisation properties, which can help reduce the proliferation of skin cells that contribute to the buildup of psoriasis plaques, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms.
Acne? Our lavender essential oil Bar is the one we would recommend for oily prone acne and the Peppermint EssentiaL Oil Bar is the one we would recommend for Dry prone acne.

Retro picnic

Katherine’s Kitchen: Bless the Lord! In the golden July sunshine Alabama’s tomatoes have been swelling with juice, and the basil has been crisp with rain. We bought some of those massive slicers from Avalon Farms, and of course we made our summer favorites; Insalata Caprese. . .

Retro picnic
. . . and Pizza Margherita!
Retro picnic

With such good weather for basil we have just been grateful that God provides us with the same richness he gave to so many Italians who introduced us to these delicious treats. Eating seasonally is being led by the Lord into “green pastures”.

We had so much good response about this article last week that we’re sharing it again in case you missed it.
A Speed Course of Care
By Kathy Stewart

Congratulations, you brought home a jar of sourdough starter! Now what? Take the lid off and put the cloth square over the jar and secure with a rubber band. It needs to be able to breathe while it sits on your counter and adjusts to its new home.

After it’s been at your home for a couple hours, if you see that there are bubbles in the jar and it has grown in size, its time to feed it for the first time.

1. Empty jar into a bowl
2. Measure 4 tablespoons or 2 ounces of your starter and put back in the jar
3. Add 4 tablespoons or 2 ounces of all purpose flour into the jar. I use King Arthurs brand all purpose flour.
4. Add 4 tablespoons or 2 ounces of warm bottled or well water. Chlorinated city water will kill all the good yeasts and bacteria in your starter and it will die. A very sad event.
5. Give it a good mix, place clothe back on jar and let sit on counter. Please note, I don’t use a clothe but a plastic lid that doesn’t fit tightly. When it has almost doubled in size, place the lid back on it and put in the fridge until you want to use it again. If it hasn’t doubled in size, feed it again following the above steps. If it developed a layer of grey liquid while resting in the fridge, don’t despair. That liquid on top is normal and even has a name! Its called hooch, just stir it into your starter and feed as described above.

Yay! You just fed your sourdough starter for the first time, you are now on your way to sourdough heaven!

Now that you have fed your starter, you have some unused starter in your bowl, that is your discard. It can be used to create many yummy things……pancakes, waffles, pizza dough, brownies, biscuits, cake, cookies, bread……you get the picture. There are many recipes online that use sourdough discard.
Here are a few things that I do with mine:

1. Pancakes – add 1 egg, 2 Tablespoons of flour, pinch of baking soda and a pinch of salt. Stir it up, if its to thick add a splash of milk or two. Cook as you normally would for pancakes
2. Waffles – almost the same as pancakes, but separate the eggs and beat egg whites until stiff, mix yolks into your batter then fold the stiff egg whites into the batter.
3. Pizza Dough – into the bowl of a stand mixer use the dough hook, add your starter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Add about ½ cup bread flour and adding more flour or so water to develop your dough. When its done kneading, let rest for 30 minutes. Shape into your preferred pizza shape, spray or brush the dough with oil, add toppings and bake at 435 for 12 – 15 minutes. It’s done when the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Sometimes I will take my discard and feed it equal parts water and flour (I guestimate, sorry) then let it sit for a couple hours until it is a bubbly bowl of active sourdough starter. In doing this I am increasing the amount of starter I have to work with. I will empty it into my mixer bowl with the dough hook attached along with olive oil, powdered milk(about 1 tablespoon) and salt and slowly add bread flour until I have a nice ball of dough (I can touch it and it isn’t sticking to me, think same as yeast bread) that I then put in a greased bowl, turn it over (the dough so it is covered with oil on both sides) cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it rise until doubled in size. Carefully turn out on a piece of parchment paper which is on a baking sheet. Take a sharp knife and make a cut down the middle of
your dough about 1\4 to 1\2 inch deep, quickly, you don’t want to pull at the dough. Place in a preheated 375 oven and bake about 20 – 25 minutes. Its done when it sounds hollow when you knock on the bottom of your loaf. Wrap in a slightly damp tea towel until it has completely cooled down. Best if overnight, but I understand if you can’t wait. It will slice nicer, though if it has totally cooled down. Wrapping your bread in the towel will keep your bread crust softer and will also serve as a protective wrap for your bread as you eat it. If it lasts that long. Hee hee.

If you have decided you are brave and want to try a soft sandwich bread this is a link to the recipe I like for that:

Editor’s Note This document is permanently posted in the website with photos! This is the link,, and it may be found in the Q&A section of the website.

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Resending: Market is open for orders!

Apologies if this is a duplicate email.

Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

Go to the market >>
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
Pastured Meats
Cultured/Fermented Foods
Pastured Eggs
See All Products

Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes. Thanks for your support!

Statesboro Market2Go:  Market2Go is Open!

Market2Go Is Open! Are you planning to order this week?

Place your order by 10 pm Tuesday night for pickup on Thursday.

Choose your pickup location or delivery option from the drop-down menu before you check out.

  • Statesboro – SCVB Drive Through: Thursday afternoon 4:00 – 6:00
  • Statesboro – Saturday Pick Up: at the market Token & Information booth 9am-Noon on Saturdays
  • Sylvania: Thursday afternoon at 4&20 Bakers Cafe and Public Market 3:30 – 5:00
  • Home Delivery – must add delivery to cart and prepay

Online Payment Available Register your debit or credit card at Your Account and click “Pay Now” when you check out. Your card will only be charged after you have received your order, including any adjustments for missed items or other credits.

Use your EBT/SNAP card to purchase authorized EBT items through the Market2Go, and you can receive matching “bonus” fruits and vegetables and raw nuts through the Georgia Fresh for Less program – with NO Limit. Please write “EBT” in the order comment field and select the Statesboro – SCVB drive-through pickup. For more information, email

Market News

We are now offering a new option for your Market2Go order pickup in addition to our Thursday afternoon drive thru. During the market season, you can choose the option at checkout to pick your Market2Go order at the Saturday market Information and Token Booth from 9am till Noon.

The Statesboro Mainstreet Farmers Market is open each Saturday morning for the 2023 season! The farmers market is located directly behind Visit Statesboro, at 222 South Main Street! There’s a new bridge and boardwalk connecting the Blind Willie McTell Trail to the market venue! Come out and visit your local farmers and neighbors!

Our Sylvania pickup location is now at 4&20 Bakers Eat Better Tonight Prepared Foods & Public Market, 307A Mims Rd, Sylvania

Thank you to our sponsors who are helping our market grow! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Statesboro Farmers Market you can find more info here.

Clayton Digital Reprographics
Visit Statesboro
Kiwanis Club of Statesboro

Great GA Realty
Ogeechee Technical College
Statesboro Properties
Personal Finance Service of Statesboro
Quality Inn & Suites
Queensborough National Bank & Trust
RE/MAX Preferred Realty
Southern Palace Restaurant
Statesboro-Bulloch County Library
Vyve Broadband

Citizens Bank of the South
Bulloch County Farm Bureau
Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University Libraries
Bulloch Solutions

Friends of the Market
Jennifer Moran
Debra Chester
Cynthia Frost
Sam Wainford
Ann Smith-Wilson
Laura and Patrick Wheaton
Becky Sanders
Bruce Field
Kathy and Larry Smith
Kristin Fretwell
LaShai Campbell
Martha Joiner
Patrick White

Happy Shopping!

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Market is open for orders!

Good evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

Go to the market >>
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
Pastured Meats
Cultured/Fermented Foods
Pastured Eggs
See All Products

Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes. Thanks for your support!

Martin's Farmstand:  U-pick July 1st

We will open for u-pick berries tomorrow Saturday July 1 2023 starting at 7 am. We are coming toward the late part of strawberry season. The berries are ripening fast now but they are mostly small so containers fill slowly this year. Some of the earliest areas are near finished. There are still some green berries yet on the later kinds. I expect the patch will go to gleaning status at some point next week- probably after next Wednesday.
The early red raspberries are ready to pick. They are available on a first come basis during normal strawberry u-pick times. After strawberry season the raspberries will be available for u-pick on a first come basis on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday starting @ 10 am.
We have both snap (edible pod) and shell peas now along with the first new potatoes. Zucchini and cucumbers are abundant. Today we planted about an acre of late potatoes (by hand) along with late beans, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and more. Yes, the strawberry patches are open even if it is raining. Daniel

Shenandoah County, VA:  Summer at the farm...

Produce is available on the website, take a look and order online or if it’s easier for you message us on facebook for pickup.

We are still struggling with drought but a few bouts of rain have helped and the produce is tasting fantastic. In the coming weeks keep your eyes open for cucumbers, beans, and hopefully tomatoes which have been slow with the cooler night time temperatures.

Thanks for supporting local, sustainable, beyond organic agriculture and small businesses like us!

Russellville Community Market:  6/30/23 opening

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Don’t forget to check out the extras! Remember, this week order pickup will be 4-7 PM on MONDAY at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot.

Happy Fourth of July weekend! We hope you have lots of fun things planned with friends and family! RCM is open this week, but we will be doing order pick up from 4-7 PM on MONDAY so that our vendors and customers can be out celebrating! Let us help you plan a fantastic party or backyard barbeque with fresh local ingredients and foods! Enjoy seasonal veggies from Meadowlark Valley, Connor’s Garden and Sweets or Holland Family Honey Farm. Plan an epic backyard barbeque with choice cuts of beef from C3 Beef, Hoien, Bluff Top, R&D or Michael’s Garden. Get baked goods from Kaitlyn’s Sweets and Treats so you have more time for fun and season your fresh foods with spice blends from McAnulty Mercantile! There’s always something unique and tasty at RCM! Thank you to all the customers who shopped the open house last week, the vendors who came to share their goods and the Central Presbyterian Church for welcoming us and helping us have a great event! We had a blast and can’t wait for our next open house before Christmas!
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

REMINDER- We can no longer accept credit or debit cards. We will still be able to process cash, checks and SNAP/EBT transactions.

Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available. Multiple orders are encouraged. :)

Russellville Community Market



Good afternoon!

Happy 4th of July.

Last day to put in your orders for the week.