The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning
Good morning
Wow it is a chilly 24 degrees at the farm this am
Tom and Oliver are still keeping the animals feed and feed watered
Pls place those orders by noon on Thursday
Have a great thanksgiving
From the Green’s Tom, Kami and Oliver
Stones River Market: Market is OPEN -- with a Tuesday Pickup this week!
GOOD MORNING! and …Welcome to the Sunday November 20th and 21st Online Farmers Market. ‘Happy Thanksgiving Holiday’ week, our pickup hours will be on TUESDAY instead of Wednesday so families can have Wednesday to prepare for their special gatherings or travel.
Market opens on Sunday Mornings at 8AM and closes Monday evening at 10PM. Please get your orders in as early as you can, a few of our Growers may need to close some items off in order to have time to prepare and have them ready for Tuesday Pick Up.
We look forward seeing you TUESDAY November 22nd on the
Porch of Quinn’s Mercantile from 5:00 – 6:15pm when you pick up your order.
UPDATED NEWS….. THANKSGIVING is Thursday November 24th, the Market will be Open Sunday 20th and Monday 21st until 10PM! Pick up or Deliveries will be on TUESDAY Nov. 22nd at 5:00pm – 6:15pm!
Growers This Week…Subject to change:
A&J Naturale
Bead Wench
Body & Soul Teas
C&M Valley Farm
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farms)
Ewe and Me Creamery
Flying S Farms
Oakview Farm
Pennie’s Delights
Pinky’s Micros
Quarter Spring Farm
Quinn’s Mercantile
RC Farms TN
Sap Creek Gardens
Sow’s Ear Piggery
Spring Meadow Farm
Sundae’s Best Dog Treatery
Sweet Beets Farm
Sweet Girl Honey Farm
Thweatt Things
Valentine Family Farm
Oakview Farm: we have some delicious, locally made goodies for your Thanksgiving meal! Try our Chocolate Chess and regular Chess pies, soothing herbal tea blend, and our favorite Fall jam: Rum Raisin Apple! We also have Apple Butter, and Roasted Strawberry Jams in stock, too. Have a great holiday!
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farm): We are back with some old and new items. Apicius Gourmet Mustard, Camomile Boby Butter, Elderberry Syrup, Herbal Healing Salve, Hint of Mint Body Butter, Kombucha Soby, Lavender Gourmet Mustard, Lemon Herbal Tea, On Guard Body Butter and Oolong Tea, Red Hawaian Salt, Black Hawaian Salt and Scarbourough Fair Gourmet Mustard.
Valentine Family Farm: Botanical Simple Syrup; we use water, bee balm, low processed sugar and lemon zest. This is great for sweetning ice or hot tea, and selzer water. Meadow Pickles in chips or spear or plain or spicy, Pickled Cauliflower, Pickled Eggs, Pickled Okra plain or spicy. Spicy Picked Sausage.
Pennies Delights: you might catch me on the Porch on Wednesdays with some of my items. On the Market we have: Several variety of Iced Cakes are available this week.Iced Cinnamon Rolls, Apple Filed Cinnamon Rolls or Strawberry Cheesecake Cinnamon Rolls, Strawberry Cupcakes, Sugar Cookies, Snickerdoodle Soft Cookies, Brownies, Breads: Banana Nut, Lemon Blueberry, Pumpkin and Zucchini, Peach Cobbler and seasonal items.
Pinky’s Micros:
As the season gets colder, alot of the season fresh product get less available but we’ve got you covered with our nutrious food items, our Sprouts and Microgreens can do just that.
We now have 2 oz. and 4 oz. units available of our Microgreens and Sprouts! This week we have these delicious Microgreens and Sprouts available.
Basic Salad Mix, Broccoli, Pea shoots,
Radish microgreens, Sunflower micro greens.
Here is some ideas how to use Microgreens or Sprouts..Mix into salads, layer in sandwiches, garnish drinks, seasoning soups, juice them or use in stir fry, soups, crries, omeletes, pasta, savory pancakes or fried breads, garnish roasted pumpkin or squash or use in place of lettuce on sandwiches or salads.
NashPhilly: We have another new item that will go well as a side dish for any event you might have. Find “Seasonal Side Dishes” Brussel Sprouts with Carmelized Onions and Bacon! and new this week Mashed Potatoes with sour cream and green onions Not your average side of mashed potatoes! I put these through a food mill so the texture of these potatoes will actually be perfectly smooth. Rich, creamy, buttery, these potatoes will melt in your mouth.
In “Noodles, Pasta and Italian Sauces” find our Beef and Cheese Lasagna in a large family portion or Single Portion and Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken.
Spring Meadow Farm: Aji Dulce Pepper, Arugula, French Breakfast Radish, Green Tomatoes, Curly Leaf Kale, Lemon Balm, Roma Tomato, Siberian Kale, Spring Mix, Super Greens, Tomatillo, Tomato Mix, Turnip Greens.
Quarter Spring Farm: hopes that you are getting excited about the holidays! Put one of our delicious pastures raised chickens on your table this year to show your loved ones how much you care. And it’s never too early to start your holiday shopping. Our lotions and goat milk soaps make great gifts for everyone on your list. And stay tuned, we will have pasture raised lamb on the market soon!
Rus-T-Acres: New this week Beauregard Sweet Potatoes, Firewwod Bundles, Ham Roast, Hot Breakfast Sausage, Medium Breakfast Sausage, Pork Chops. We will soon have our new supply of meats in, we are at the mercy of our processor!
Flying S Farms: Chicken Eggs, Acorn, Carnival winter squash, Lettuces, Tomatos, Sweet Potatoes, Baked goods, Sweet Breads, and Sour Dough Breads, Biscuits…are available this week! You can order your Biscuits frozen but first order the size of Biscuits you’d like them scroll down and see ’Freeze My Biscuits). Jam and Jellies. New: Pumpkin Butter, Apple Butter, CHRISTMAS JAM is back, Apple Jamely (almost a jelly but thick like a jam) Blueberry-Apple Jam, our Almost Seedless Red Raspberry Jam is back!
Rainbow Hill Farm: Thank you for a great season, our produce and Apples have all sold out and we are already planning for next year. Have a wonderful Winter and look forward seeing you next year.
CLG: Thank You Note, Market CLOSED this week
Hi everyone
Happy Thanksgiving. The market will be CLOSED this week. If you are running low on local goodies, be sure to hit up the Farmstand at Bell Urban Farm.
I wanted to take a second to thank everybody who makes CLG possible.
I am very thankful for our wonderful community, for all of you who care about where your food comes from, and help support small local farmers. Thanks to all the growers who work so hard to make delicious, healthy, more sustainable food and products available to all of us. A special thank you also goes to all the volunteers who help CLG run smoothly week after week—we couldn’t do it without you!
This was an especially challenging year for many farmers, and you may have noticed the impact it had on the market. Many products that are usually abundant were missing this year. Thank you to all of you who stuck with us during the lean times.
I am working on getting more farmers to join the market so we can have a more rounded offering, but it is very important that we keep supporting local food and spreading the word about the market. So please don’t forget to tell your friends, family, and co-workers about CLG!
Also, thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey. The feedback is very helpful.
And lastly, I want to thank our beloved friends Steve and Carissa Lunk, and take a moment to appreciate all the hard work they put into the market—CLG wouldn’t be here without them. I am grateful and honored to be able to continue cultivating the love they spread in our community.
With lots of love to everyone,
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market: Holiday Market Open
The market is open for Thanksgiving orders until Sunday night. Pickup will be on Wednesday in the stand.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week! I am so thankful for all of you! First for your support of the market and mostly for the kindness you showed me during this rough time. I am so grateful to have customers that have become friends!
Blessings to you and your family,
Farmher Chef Amy
Statesboro Market2Go: Happy Thanksgiving!
Market2Go is closed the week of Thanksgiving and will open for orders again on Friday, November 25th at 10pm!
Reminders – the last Saturday market is tomorrow, Nov 19th.
Shopping by Lantern Light will be Tuesday November 22nd from 6-9pm. Browse over 50 booths for Thanksgiving goodies like fresh produce, cakes, pies, meats, and casseroles, plus you can begin your holiday gift buying early! There will be a huge selection of fine art, crafts, jewelry, soaps, candles, and more!
The Wednesday Market: Order Early; Pick Up on Tuesday!
Good evening.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we are observing special ordering and pick up times this week. Please mark your calendars! The Wednesday Market is open for orders beginning TONIGHT. You may place orders from now until MONDAY, Nov. 21, at 9 a.m. Orders are ready for pick up TUESDAY, Nov. 22, between 2 and 4 p.m.
Here is the link:
Customers who are ordering baked goods from Miller Pye may make arrangements to meet Nelda Miller on Wednesday, Nov. 23, so that those items will be fresh for your Thanksgiving table.
Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown. We wish you and your family a happy and bounteous Thanksgiving!
Sharon Fox
Nelda Miller
Beverly Walter
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Yes! Market is open for orders this week!
Good evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!
Go to the market >>
Cultured/fermented foods
Fresh Vegetables
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Pastured Eggs
See all products
Market stays open from Fridays 9 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. Mondays!
Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!
PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.
If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.
COVID19: Thanks for recognizing we can all do our part in operating in the safest way possible. Be on the lookout for the order reminder email with any changes to pickup or ways you can help minimize risk for our volunteers and each other. Thanks for your support!*
Grumpy Goat: Weblog Entry
Happy Winter Everyone,
Hopefully you are all doing better than us this week! We have been huddled by our fireplace as we are still trying to get our boiler up and working again. Fingers crossed we can keep the pipes thawed out until that happens.
I just wanted to draw your attention to a new item I just listed: an Elderberry Syrup Kit. Molly Fogt makes these kits. If you have any questions about them I can put you in contact with her! They are $20.
I also made a batch of Bourbon Spiced nuts that we will have available at Aullwood Nature Center for their holiday show tomorrow. Come and see us, or message me asap, if you would like me to set some aside for you. 1 lb for $16, 1/2 lb for $8. You can email at or text me at 603-828-8619.
Stay warm everyone!
CLG: Tuesday REMINDER: microgreens NOT sold out, BMB and tamales week
It’s Tuesday, last day to put in your orders for the week. The market closes at 9pm
More microgreens we’re listed since Sunday so if you thought they were sold out, you are in luck!
Also, BMB is back. Let’s show them we want them at the market with our orders.
Go back and add to some more goodies for Friday :)
It is Tamales Week
Use this link to order
CLG: Opening BELL: Two new growers! and tamales week
Good Afternoon,
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping: *
Please welcome our new vendors Arkansas Freeze and Berkeley Farms!!!-
Berkeley Farms has micro greens for sale!
And AR FREEZE’s has freeze dried bananas and spicy corn! Look forward to their goodies made with seasonal fruits and veggies.
Don’t forget to order your milk on Sunday if possible!
It is Tamales Week
Use this link to order
Do you love CLG? Take a second to forward this email to a friend who doesn’t know about this great online farmers market, which lets you conveniently place orders from the comfort of your house, and provides a one-stop quick pick-up for local veggies, meats, eggs, baked goods, jams, jellies and more!
Most items are listed by 6 pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
How to contact us:
You CAN reply to this email or…
Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460
Email: Sandra –