The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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CLG:  Opening Bell: more plants! And duck egg SALE!

Good afternoon,

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping: *

Funny Farm is having a sale on duck eggs so if you ever wondered what they taste like, this is your chance!

Spring is in full bloom, get your gardening gloves on and start plating. Check out our live plant section.

Most items are listed by 6 pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!-Don’t forget to order your milk on Sunday if possible!

How to contact us:

You CAN reply to this email or…

Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460

Email: Sandra –

CLG:  CLG Pickup TODAY 3-6pm

Good morning

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. We have been having a great EXTRAS table, so stop by even if you don’t have an order :)

You can pick up your order starting at 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

Please NOTE: the church parking lot may be full between 315p and 345p when the Junior High lets out and kids are getting picked up.

Please remember that although the doors are open before 3pm, we are still getting everything ready for the market. If you arrive before 3pm, you are welcome to come in and sit while you wait. In order to avoid mistakes, we will not check anyone out before 3pm. Thank you for understanding.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick it up for you.

Remember to bring your RINSED milk bottles if you ordered milk with exchange, and your reusable market bags. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon!

How to contact us:

You CAN reply to this email or…

Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460

Email: Sandra –

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Market is open for orders!

Good evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

Go to the market >>
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
Pastured Meats
Cultured/Fermented Foods
Pastured Eggs
See All Products

Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes. Thanks for your support!

Champaign, OH:  A Thursday Market Blurb

Hello! I am opening the market for weekly orders, and also sharing a blurb from Laurie, a loyal market customer from way back in the day and has also been a market vendor!

Hi! Anchor Acres in Milford Center is offering several choices of chicks for sale this spring! The smallest are one week old, hatched on April 5-6 right here on site; barnyard mix, straight run, great variety of colors and patterns! $4 each, minimum 2, or $3.75 each for 8 or more. The next set are from hatcheries and are all sexed as pullets. There are barred rocks, white rocks, and light brahmas. They are 3/22 hatch date so 3 weeks old now. Mix and match those breeds for $10 each (minimum 2) or $9 each for 6 or more. Then I have some started pullets (hatchery sexed) Rhode Island Reds that are 8 weeks old and off heat. They are $18 each, minimum 2. (I also do have some one year old hens currently laying (blue or brown egg layers) and also hatching eggs available if anyone is interested in those!) Please text me if interested, thanks! – Laurie 703-677-1253

Connie's Cornucopia:  Fresh Mushrooms available this week

No need to Pre-Order your mushrooms. Will be picking up fresh stock on Friday for this weeks delivery or pick up. Put your order in by noon tomorrow to get your fresh Mushrooms this week.


Independence,VA:  The Online Market is OPEN for April 19 Pick-up!

Happy Wednesday, Market Friends!

The Online Market is OPEN for orders until Monday night at 8 PM for pick-up on Wednesday, April 19.

Can you believe how fast April is flying by? We are busy as ever here at the Market and in the garden getting ready for another great season. Don’t forget this Friday is the IFM Vendor Meeting at 11:30, at the 1908 Courthouse in Independence. We’ll be discussing vendor guidelines, things to expect this season, how far we’ve come as a Market and how far we still have to go as we grow bigger every year!

If you’re interested in becoming a vendor with us, please try to attend!

If you’d like to schedule a curbside pickup to conveniently have your box awaiting upon your arrival, please feel free to schedule a time using the Calendly link below. Otherwise, You can drop by and pick up your order inside the office any time on Wednesday, April 19, between 4-6 pm.

Thank you, happy shopping!

To shop:

Schedule Your Pickup Time (OPTIONAL): Calendly.
After you click “Confirm” on your time, be sure to enter your information and click, “Schedule an Event”. You will get a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation, you are not scheduled and need to try again.

Thank you for supporting the Market!

-Christian, Online Market Manager

Old99Farm Market:  Old99 Farm week of Apr 9 2023

Just a quick reminder, veggies are new crops here in the greenhouse and the standbys as well.
This is week two for the Spring Harvest Basket. You can subscribe this week and next on pro rata basis.l

10 weeks, 6 to 8 veg plus doz eggs for $27. Alternate weeks possible. Delivery even possible!

Sign up online Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement.

This is Lauren’s last week, though she might be around a couple of days before the end of April. Wish her good fortune in her new life adventure in Kentucky!

Healthy eating
Ian, Cami and Lauren

Champaign, OH:  Tuesday Reminder!

Good morning!!

It’s that time of the week, again…and, yes, I know we are coming off of a holiday, and spring breaks, so that always confuses everyone, on the day of the week, and market orders…

But, you still have until 8am to get those orders in, for the week!!

Cosmic Pam

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  ONLINE ORDERS STILL OPEN UNTIL 6 AM WED

If you ordered, we thank you! Remember we offer easy drive by pickup for some of your favorite fresh locally grown and locally made products.

Chard, spinach, kale, radishes, salad mixes, green onions, lettuces, mustard greens and sweet potatoes all still available. Frozen local blackberries and garden huckleberries too. Also meats, baked goods, crafts, and more.

This message is just a reminder in case you want to order before orders close at 6 am on Wednesday. Pickup at the library 4:30-5:30 Thursday. If you know you can’t pick up then, email us at this address as soon as you order and we will work with you on a plan.

Click here to order:

Questions? Reply to this email and we will get back to you.

Remember that if you want to order but can’t pick up, there is also a delivery option for Fayetteville addresses. Request it by following the directions on your emailed order confirmation and do that by no later than 9am Thursday.

Thank you.

Statesboro Market2Go:  Order before 10pm on Tuesday!

This week we’re highlighting a classic southern favorite, collard greens!

Enjoy these leafy greens in:

Click to order at Market2Go!