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Berry Breakfast Toast

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Perfect for a quick nutritious breakfast, you can use whatever berries you have to hand! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: bread, yogurt, berries, peanut
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Best Fresh Omelete for Two

From Springfield, MO

<p>This is a great fresh omelete that you can make from the great stuff from your garden, plus its something the whole family can enjoy.</p>
Source: Becca's Kitchen
Servings: Serves 2
Ingredient keywords: Eggs, Cheese, Murshrooms, Green, Tomatoe, Water, Garlic, Oil
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Betsy's Hamburger Pie

From Scenic City Food

<p>This is an old standby from the days when I had three kids under my feet in the kitchen. It was delicious with local beef and a homemade crust of regional wheat. I love it! Comfort food with a conscience.</p>
Source: Betsy Flory
Servings: 6 (including 4 teenagers). Can be halved.
Ingredient keywords: beef, eggs, cottage, onion, garlic, in-season, mushroom, thyme
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Betsy's Hamburger Pie

From Scenic City Food

<p>This is an old standby from the days when I had three kids under my feet in the kitchen. It was delicious with local beef and a homemade crust of regional wheat. I love it! Comfort food with a conscience.</p>
Source: Betsy Flory
Servings: 6 (including 4 teenagers). Can be halved.
Ingredient keywords: beef, eggs, cottage, onion, garlic, in-season, mushroom, thyme
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Better Breakfast Whole Wheat Pancakes

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>My mom used to make these delicious pancakes all the time before school. They are quick and easy, but delicious and nutritious!</p>
Source: Mom's Kitchen
Servings: Serves 6 people.
Ingredient keywords: wheat, oats, eggs, milk, vanilla, oil, soda, salt
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Bhindi Masala

From Northeast Georgia Locally Grown

<p>I love okra, but I&#8217;d run out of ways to cook it until I finally made this traditional Indian dish. This is a very well known dish in <span class="caps">INDIA</span>, and it&#8217;s supposed to be spicy.</p> <p>1 1/4 tablespoons coriander powder<br /> 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder<br /> 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder<br /> 1 medium green chilies, chopped<br /> 2 medium tomatoes, chopped<br /> 1 tablespoon cumin seed<br /> 1 teaspoon mustard seeds<br /> 1/4 cup oil, to fry ladyfinger<br /> 3/4 teaspoon salt<br /> 1/4 kg okra (bhindi)<br /> 2 tablespoons oil, for seasoning<br /> 2 medium onions, chopped</p> Vegetarian!
Source: I got the recipe from
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: okra
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BICI Lasagne Verde with Greens

From Green Fork Farmers Market

<p>For this lasagne, we used <span class="caps">BICI</span> Lasagne Verde sheets that have raw pureed spinach and italian leaf parsley. For the filling, we used cooked greens of all different sorts as we have a habit of saving greens like the outer leaves of escarole, radish or beet tops, arugula, or turnip greens. Any and all of these are great combined with spinach or chard and wilted together in olive oil, garlic, and a pinch of hot pepper, then chopped up for the lasagne. <br /> Get ready for some flavor!</p> Vegetarian!
Source: BICI pasta (inspired by great culinarians)
Servings: 8-10
Ingredient keywords: lasagne, BICI, Italian
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Bills Goat Recipe

From App Farm to Family Cooperative

<ul> <li>2 T salad oil</li> <li>2 lbs. cubed goat meat</li> <li>1 tsp. salt</li> <li>1.2 tap. garlic powder</li> <li>1/4 tsp. oregano</li> <li>1/8 tsp. ground cumin</li> <li>1 large onion, chopped</li> <li>1 T flour</li> <li>1 10-oz. can Rotel tomatoes and green chiles</li> <li>1 10-oz can water</li> </ul> <p>Brown meat in hot oil. Add salt, garlic powder, oregano, cumin and onion. Cook until onion is soft. Sprinkle flour over all and allow to brown, stirring constantlly. Add tomatoes and water. Simmer uncovered for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Most of thliquid will be absorbed. Serves 6.</p>
Servings: 4
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Bing Cherry Pepper Jelly Sauce

From Farm2Work

<p>This 2 ingredient sauce has whole dark cherries and a little bit of a spicy kick. Great over pork roast &amp; roast turkey. It&#8217;s great to be able to pull a can of fruit &amp; jar of jam off the shelf &amp; make it look like you&#8217;ve worked hard for a special dish. I&#8217;m sure the sauce would be great on other things, too.</p>
Source: I developed this to make pork tenderloin a little more special for a birthday party.
Servings: Makes about 1 1/2 - 2 c. depending on how much jelly you add & serves 6 - 8.
Ingredient keywords: cherries, Jalapeno
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Bisilla (Vegetarian Pea and Carrot Stew)

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A flavorful vegetarian stew that pairs well with rice and can be topped with chili peppers and/or hot sauce for an additional kick! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: butter, oil, onion, garlic, seasoning, sauce, tomato, peas, carrot, sugar, rice, sauce, pepper, bread
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